RGB+CCT controller MiLight FUT039

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Gross price: €18.67

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Producer: MiLight
Product code: SLT-RGB-CCt-MI-CON-10A


The Mi-Light controller is a device designed to work with RGB + CCT LED strips. The RGB CCT LED controller allows for smooth adjustment of brightness, RGB light color and white light color temperature (CCT). The devices operate on 12 or 24V DC voltage and the maximum power cannot exceed 6A per channel (72W for 12V and 144W for 24V) and 10A total power (120W for 12V and 240W for 24V). The control is possible using a remote control or a smartphone application (Wi-Fi iBOX bridge required).


Technical parameters

Voltage: 12V DC or 24V DC

Output current: 6A/channel

Max. Output current: 10A

Working temp.: -20 ~ 60°

Connection: Common anode

Range: 30m

Dimensions: 85 x 45 x 22,5mm

Weight: 55g

Communication: 2.4GHz




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